Village Christmas Lights

A horrible day of wind and rain, poured down all day.  

Early shift in the airport today, and another day starting on the check-in desk, then moved to meeting and boarding flights the rest of the day.  A busy day with flights and charters.  Popped by Madeline's on my way home.  Working in the shop this evening, and a busy night, even with the poor weather.  Early to bed again tonight. 

I can hardly believe December is here again, and now to start getting Christmassy.  Tonight was the village Christmas lights turn on, and a reasonable crowd despite the weather.  The village youth centre is the main site for it all, and where mam started a new job earlier this week as manager.  She gave a speech and got the show rolling this evening.  I managed to sneak our for a quick snap, but sadly couldn't get a photo of her with Santie and his elves.  Spot mam above the bairn in red.  Taken in the village square, Main Street, Scalloway.  

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