Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Euchromia horsfieldi mating

Euchromia horsfieldi mating

This gorgeous moth, as far as I can establish, is not classed as rare, but in 18 months, this is only my third sighting. There are plenty of images on the web, but I found only one other image of a mating pair, so this is in fact a rare image and a marvelous addition to my collection.

I read that this moth specifically inhabits lowlands and seeing that my location is at 1000m altitude, this would account for it being a rare sighting for me.

The pair were sitting on a leaf at an odd angle, making a good focused shot impossible. The best I could do was to concentrate on each individual. I could get both heads in focus, but then I would lose everything in between and the image would look ridiculous.

In the end, I decided to go for a head-on shot of the nearest, showing good head and wing detail, throwing the rest well out of focus and kind of arty. Still enough information to see what is going on. I could find no common name for this moth, other than it is a species of wasp moth - hope you like them.


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