Extraordinary Gentlemen In A League Of Their Own

How many hours (days? weeks?) have I spent lost in the magic worlds created by these two guys? V For Vendetta, Watchmen, The Ballad of Halo Jones, From Hell, The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen and on and on - Alan Moore has pushed the envelope of the comic medium to its limits and delivered top-notch entertainment all the way. Neil Gaiman has created magic in comic books - The Sandman is still, in my opinion, the greatest comic book ever written, the graphic equivalent of Shakespeare, Milton and Homer - as well as a slew of marvelous novels, such as American Gods, Stardust and Coraline (which Valerie and Arthur are currently enjoying as their bedtime story from Daddy.)

I used to think Alan Moore was probably a bit potty because I'd read that he worships an ancient snake god called Glycon. However, when I heard this Thought For The Day broadcast I realised that, not only is his worship of Glycon quite rational, Glycon is probably the only deity that I could ever worship.

Alternative Thought For The Day

Hail Gaiman! Hail Moore! Hail Glyon.

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