
I took the "proper" camera for a walk up the hill, and took quite a lot of photos of leaves, berries and other details, but was not really pleased with any of them. At half past two the light was already low, and the wind made close up work difficult. As I returned home, almost at the bottom of the lane, low sun shone through this single honesty seed pod in an otherwise gloomy hedgerow, glowing golden like lamp light (which I've not really captured). 

Earlier, I picked a lot of green and semi-ripe tomatoes from the balcony and greenhouse, as it's forecast to get significantly colder this weekend and next week. The extra shows a truss of golden cherry tomatoes which escaped through the greenhouse window and are determinedly ripening outdoors. We normally expect our first real frosts early in November, so this is another significant change to our weather patterns.

After my walk, I very luxuriously lay on the bed for half an hour with The Handmaid's Tale, dutifully following the doctor's instructions to spend more time with my legs and feet elevated. I could get used to this! 

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