Place: St Pete Beach, FL 64/79
Main activity: Fri - Bette, 4dogs
Notes: Woke and went for a jog on the beach, Bette seemed to be avoiding after her hateful words last night about Moira (and then said she was joking when she thought I told Joe). I did not want to spend another minute there but had to endure ... We left 945a for her health screening around 38th Ave N & 9th St. I left her once registered and spent the time at Rollin Oats, got her some stuff and me. After she was done, we headed to Carroll's Building Supplies for the long-awaited boulder that was so imperative. We were there quite a long time for them to haul pallet inside, take apart the wire of the pile and get the ones she wanted, weigh them, etc. - all kinds of interruptions and delays. Finally back and she ate, I went to Joe's to go over some things and finished packing up (so much stuff!). I packed out then about 2p - soooo glad to be free! - and the house cleaners had just finished so much cleaner than usual. Walked the dogs then ate and relaxed, got in the pool in the evening just before a nice hot shower. 

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