Freda's Daffodils
It was a wet day today but, as usual, I took The Mother into town to do a bit of shopping and a nice coffee in the Bewick.
We usually have lunch together and today was no exception, though the venue I had chosen would have been nice in dry weather. Nevertheless we went for the first time to the Llama Karma Kafe on the outskirts of town.
In the rain, the couple of llamas wouldn't come over to us for photos, the golden pheasants were behind very thick wire and the monkeys were behind wet glass. Because it was raining, The Mother didn't want us hanging about outside while I tried to get shots.
So, emergency flower blip today! Last year The Mother planted some daffodil bulbs and has been waiting, in great anticipation, for the flowers to open. A bit of sun yesterday had brought them out but she was sad to see that some of these fancy, double blooms were sagging after the rainfall.
Hoping for a better day tomorrow!
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