days I'll remember

By bassrockbob

Arty Cat

I don't normally blip animals, they're largely ungrateful creatures who only pretend to like you so that you'll give them food. However, this beast was quite chatty and promised me a Mars Bar if I blipped him, so here he is. Doubt I'll ever see the Mars Bar though.

'Arty' because we met in the grounds of the Gallery of Modern Art. Although he could be a total Philistine for all I know. Probably watches Strictly or The Apprentice. All those beautiful Apprentices - don't you just want to slap them?

No blip yesterday. I was pissed off because I'm not going to be well enough to do the Lake District cycling trip next week and had to cancel. Lose the trip, lose the payment. Feck.

Wooo, I blipped animals on this day last year. How spooky is that?

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