The old Tom Tapley Road

The color of the season at the moment is a bit boring. I was going to go for a walk but just managed what we call a lap. I walked east down to the Long Pond where there was a large group of geese hanging out. And then walked to the west boundary and up the old road just a bit. This is between the neighbors land to the left and ours to the right that I don't show. This road used to run behind our farm house come up to where I'm standing and continue on behind me. Now it's just a track in the woods and I have a hard time imagining it being used by cars a long time ago.
It makes for a nice walk though.
The power came on at 1:30 last night and I know that because I forgot to turn a light off and it popped on then. Then I had a really hard time getting back to sleep for several hours... Yuck. But to cheer me up this morning I was out feeding the crows and I noticed the apple tree was swarming with little chickadees. I just love those zippy little birds. I stood over there and tried to lure them to my hand with some sunflower seeds. I had some interested ones but none were brave enough. I even saw a pair of tit mouses. I've never actually seen them but I think they are one of the cutest birds ever and so I knew exactly what I was looking at. Dan said I had a little Disney moment to brighten my day and he was correct :-)

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