Journal of Jackie

By Jackie18

Little Red Riding Wolf!

That about sums Rafi up at the moment. Sometimes he's so sweet and loving and the next minute he's 'not so sweet' !
Kiera and Jodie stayed at the hospital last night as I had to meet up with Stuart who is going to draw up the plans for the bedroom/ bathroom extension for Rafi.
Rafi has been digging his heels in the last few days and refusing to budge from his bed or even from his right side.
He seems a bit calmer today and has munched on a Big Mac through a mesh bag which I think he enjoyed. I was at home and Kiera was speaking to me on the phone, she said 'Rafi wants you to bring him something'. She passed the phone over to Rafi and he said'McDonalds'. It's the first word that he's been able to say to me over the phone , brilliant .

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