Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

How does she do that?

Cleo doing what she does best this evening, basking in front of the gas fire in the dining room. The thumbnail contains four paws and a tail... I think!
Sunday today and the second candle in the Advent crown was lit. It was my busy day today, serving, don't the prayers and taking the chalice at communion. I like to be busy at times and at others it's nice just to be.

We had a quiet day today. Colin watched the football and I tidied a couple of drawers. I came across some olivewood dishes I'd put away, I thought maybe I'd start to use them. I soon changed my mind though. I don't know what they'd been treated with but Cleo was completely hooked on them licking them and rolling over them, it was worse than catnip. I took them away, gave them a (very) good wash and they're off to the charity shop. Shame really as they are very nice, but I do wonder what it was.
Did a me of organisational things this evening then decided I'd go for an early night. Failed! It's 11.30pm already.
Good night all, have a good week.

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