
By Houseonahill6

Little lamb

Well not so little now, about six months later.It’s surprising how fast they grow as she’s nearly as big as her mum.Both are covered in bits of leaf and sticky Willy seeds where they’ve been pushing through the bushes to get something to eat.
A lovely day, very cold. Mike and Richard left early to go to Glasgow to see The Cure so I had the whole day to myself.
Spent most of the time in the garden, sweeping up leaves, planting a few bulbs and tidying.
Sorted out the Brownies pencil cases as some had pieces missing. Each has their own pens, pencils, scissors etc since Covid.
Watched the football. Found the England v Senegal match a bit boring , wish they would pass back to the keeper so much. Good goals though but they need to pick up their game to beat France.

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