The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Calendar Blip

May's Edward Monkton Delight.

I was Boss today. I like being Boss. Got lots done.

Went to meet UTC bods tonight to finalize the science and engineering labs and workshop designs. All done and ready for the architect. I've moved some walls and doors, sorted the layout and identified all the points for data, electric, water, gas, telephone...not to mention classroom layout, fixed equipment identification and I've made huge no bells. And electric clocks.

Home this evening and I'm mentally shattered.

I have a book on 'Critical Conversations' that I'm going to sit and read with a glass of wine. I'm not doing very well at being heathy. I get distracted by wine o'clock!

Hope you are not too sore after your bike crash. Nice blip of your poor leg! Can't wait to see the state of the front wheel tomorrow!


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