Sprout lover

By robharris35


I am told this is used to say ‘it’s a new dawn’, or ‘morning has broken’, although I cannot figure out how to marry the word to its English translation, grammatically. First thing today Dennis taught me it and then sang the hymn Morning Has Broken.

We drove from Namtumbo to Tunduru and then worked all afternoon in the guesthouse. The rain has set in and nothing can be dried outside, therefore on any spare hanging spot around us there were damp towels like some sort of hectic laundry. We planned tomorrow’s field visit, with Dennis advising that we shouldn’t ‘break our heads’ with a manic schedule. Agreed.

In the evening the termites started bombarding us after today’s rain, and then seeping through cracks around windows and doors. The only respite from their flailing was under the mosquito net.

Pre-rain, we frequented one of our usual roadside eateries, shown in Exhibit A. I rediscovered cold pineapple Fanta in a glass bottle as a great mealtime treat.

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