A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Castle in the green

28 hours (+sleepover) down, 6.75 to go.

The almost full time week of work has definitely got a little easier as the week has gone on and I have settled into the routine. (surprisingly, as mine is shift work. this week just slotted together nicely). However, I am absolutely looking forward to Sunday as by that point I will have worked 6 days in a row.

Email will be firmly logged out of, too...switching off from work is much harder when you carry a constant connection with work in your pocket!

Thankfully quite a nice shift today...makes turning up for the same shift next Thursday and Friday a little easier :)

Rainbows, as ever, was full of smiles. Admittedly this one Rainbow leader may have let her sore throat and slightly heavy head get the better of her on the odd occasion... Oops.

Hoping I can sleep off the sore throat and cough before tomorrow's full day of work :)

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