
By NancyDrew

It's not Terry's Ice Cream...It's mine!

Ice cream anyone? x COME ON SUMMER!!!!!!! Where the frick are you?!?!

Office politics this morning so me and Coxy banged out on enquiries x Never a pretty sight when a bun fight breaks out haha! x

First enquiries involved visiting a few shops, which I always like to do as it means you can look round the shops in work time LEGITIMATELY!! :)

Second enquiry and I had to get a bit forceful with someone on the phone in order to get to see them (no one really wants to speak to me :) lol) Was all fine when we met though x got speaking and transpires the person had quite a life changing experience and is lucky to still be in the land of the living x

Our differences aside it all worked out well and Coxy and I have probably saved him quite a bit of aggro x

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