Prayer/dog walking

Today is Constitution Day in Spain, so national holiday. We'd planned to go for a walk as a family, but by the time we were up, not many of us fancied getting out!
Once a month we prayer walk as a community, this month we were prayer walking in San An. We got the bus over with Sam and Anna and the kids. Asha and I wandered around together praying, she was very happy to have Max with her.
Back home on the bus and we all headed straight to Caña Club. It was a really lovely evening despite the Spanish disappointment of losing to Morocco. Walking home later one there were many many cars hooting with Moroccan flags waving. Riot police were out and some areas of town have been put on lockdown. There's a huge Moroccan community here in Ibiza. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Stimulating chat in the Luke WhatsApp chat.
2) Caña Club making Sam and Anna so welcome.
3) Asha's contentedness when she's around animals. 

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