"Would you like some mint tea?"
"I'd never say no to a mint tea"

Today was one of those days when I despair. I was hoping the weather would clear from the blustery and rainy conditions so I could take a walk, and potential portraits.

It was convenient then that we had planned a (work) team lunch at a place I had seen in Kirkgate market, had always wanted to try, but hadn't until now.

The place is called Café Moor, and it advertises itself as serving 'North African/Middle Eastern Street Food with a smile' - it certainly delivers.

Whilst in the queue to order I started chatting with the owner, Kada, who kindly agreed to be photographed. I asked him to continue working, as the queue was building and I didn't want to put added pressure on him (which is why he is not looking at the camera).

His friendly and warm nature was immediately clear, and as I was taking the shots he jokingly announced to those around "Can you see me blushing yet?"

The food is just delicious - flavoursome, light and fresh. I'd recommend it to anyone, and free mint tea, who can refuse?! :)

Have a brilliant weekend whatever you're up to!!!

Humans of Leeds

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