Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Mad Hatters Tea Party

I hate to keep talking about the weather but it was absolutely horrendous this morning. Torrential rain and gale force winds meant we were cooped up indoors in our pjs for most of the morning playing Top Trumps and hide and seek. After lunch we went to the pool and I was pleased that despite the girls not going to their swimming lessons for almost a year, they are not that far where they left off. The pool has a fantastic wave machine and a lazy river rapid ride that kept us entertained for a long time.

We worked up quite a hunger and came home for a snack of jam and scones before going out to our Mad Hatters Tea Party, with the Mad Hatter, The Hare and the Queen of Hearts. It was a mixture of a show, a party and an evening buffet. Lots of sweets and cakes too :-)

This was the first night since we have been here that the kids have gone to bed without any mischief. Hoping they may be catch up on some of their missing sleep this eveing....

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