Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Certificates of Achievement

Today was the annual Christmas party for the Haltwhistle Walkers. Walkers and significant others come together to eat and drink and.............. wait to see if they have been awarded a Certificate of Achievement.

There were several this year. Martin received one for "the most unpunctual, reverse, solo walker". He arrived so late that we had all started the walk. He guessed the route and set out, meeting us only after lunchtime as he came clockwise and we went anticlockwise!

Henry, in the picture, had an award for the best lunchtime entertainment. We were at Talkin Tarn for our lunch. Two boys were trying unsuccessfully to fly a kite. Henry knows about these things, so he went to help. No joy at all. I took the photo which is on the certificate, showing an agonised expression as he threw the kite up yet again.

The Golden Flipper could not go to any one person this year, but instead, it went to John Robinson. Over the years he has treated us to more wet (and I mean very wet) walks than anyone else.

And so it went on.

We also celebrated Jaqui's upcoming 90th birthday. She now walks with the Intermediates but nothing stops her. 

Tonight I went to see Armageddon, a film starring Tony Hopkins as the wise Jewish grandfather. It is described as a coming of age story as the Jewish-American grandson makes friends with an African-American boy in his class. Wikipedia description

I would have loved to go with friends and had a chat about it afterwards. 

Today was much better than yesterday. I did not oversleep and was awake all day!!

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