Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Take too many!

This took way longer than it should have.  Every time the elves were in place to help Mr T he moved his right arm and poor safety almost got pushed off.  His expression reflects him "not moving"!  The extra shows an out take.

One thing I've noticed, I think dementia related, is that Mr T gets (sometimes vey) agitated when waiting for someone to arrive.  Today we had a visit from the wheelchair OT.  I had only asked for someone to check if the wheelchair I'd bought was suitable.  It turned out that he was able to get an NHS provided wheelchair, that means has repairs etc. also included.  The lady who came was lovely (although late) and will make sure he has the best option to meet his needs and comfort.  If nothing else at least I can push him easier into the garden or the end of the road.  Which reminds me, the neighbour who wouldn't let us have a proper ramp and lighting on the shared path he nominally owns we here a couple of weeks ago, and I happened to be in the front garden.  He looked sheepish, didn't want to make eye contact and not then or last week did he even call to talk about things or ask after Mr T.

I've been busy but nice busy today.  I finished painting the sitting room last night, and today have been adding the flooring planks as a wall panelling and the dado rails behind the sofa, adding the LED motion sensor lights on the stairs, but also a couple in the kitchen and sitting room.  

I'm trying to tidy up and finish off now, there are things I wanted to finish but they can be done next year.  

It's been worth all the work, but even more so this evening.  Mr T said to me, "I love our home, it's cosy, and thank you so much for the lights.  I can see the colours and it makes me feel happy!"

I do think Blip is helping him to talk about his feelings, maybe for the first time.  He was so anxious this morning as he thought he'd lost two 'n' sixpence (whatever one of those is), but then has these flashes of the pre-illnesses Mr T.  So really thank you so much.  I read your comments to him this evening and he was so surprised.  I'm a lucky lady to be with him.

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