
By mcgoobs

Best Laid Plans

Finally sent off my forms to TUI so I can get the ball rolling with my summer job! Very, very excited to find out where I'll be spending my entire summer working... hopefully lots of sunshine and lovely people (and photos!) await. I will miss not being able to spend the end of term with everyone, not being able to go on PhotoSoc tour and plenty of other things I'm sacrificing, but opportunities like this don't come knocking all the time and I doubt I'll ever have/take the chance to do this again.

It seems like everything is hanging in the balance at the moment and I'm curious to find out how the rest of this year will play out. I have learnt from much (not always positive) experience by now that things work out very much of their own accord, and that putting all your eggs (read hopes) in one basket is bound to end in trouble. For that reason I feel content with whatever fate has in store for me - I've done the active part, now it's a case of wait and see what happens! I'm keeping an open mind :)

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