A lovely bond.
It was all go first thing this morning. I had to get everyone ready for school and nursery as Carson was going first thing again.
The house was cold as the boiler stopped working. It just kept starting and stopping so another appointment was booked for tomorrow. But a engineer called earlier and said he could come after I had been on the nursery run. It needs a new fan fitted so they are coming back tomorrow. Thank goodness we have homecare cover.
I have walked over 17k steps going back and forward to nursery today. Carson got on great. Harp had a blast. I love the bond they have together. They kept making each other giggle. If you look at my extra , harp was keeping herself warm. She had a blanket on but wanted to be snug. ( I wish I could bend like her ). Carson hates being cold and he won't wear a hat or gloves so gets so distressed. And he won't put a blanket on. Even at night. So I bundled him up in his nursery clothes, then for the way home stuck his pyjama onsie on him and then his outdoor suit and his jacket. He was snug but had cold hands.
The boys have had a fun day but everyone is tired. Carson had been awake since 4am and wouldn't go back over, them Harp amd the boys woke at 5am . Way too early for them.
The school show was great last night. Every child involved put in amazing effort. The teachers did a fantastic job organising it all .
If there is a next one I won't be taking the jedi again. I took him to the park in the dark before it started as he was distressed. Thankfully he sat through it ok. Well I say ok, he had YouTube but was still very vocal at times.... in a funny way Thankfully and not distressed. But ill hire a babysitter the next time.
It was -5 here this morning, pray my heating gets fixed properly tomorrow.
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