Work station
Swam this morning. For some reason they have reinstated the lanes on Tuesday and Thursdays, odd as it's not busy then. And the pool is closing again, but only for 3 days - next week.
An LNER problem meant my lift was stuck in London so off it was back along the M9 but this time to Alloa. I bought cat litter on the way. Another job ticked off.
Beautiful day and there is snow on the hills. The AGM and Board meeting went well, but a low attendance. Had my first mince pie of the season.
the low sun on the way home meant I missed the turning to Edinburgh and meant I ended on the way to Glasgow. Luckily I know the turn off to Larbert!
Had a fruitless and unnecessary search for a linear bulb on the way home. Got home to find I had a packet of 5 in the garage! Did some work before it was time to go to SCD. It was a good night. Much laughter but I left to get home by 9.45.
More work, and tv. I am now beginning to worry about the non arriving deliveries in this country of strikes.
I'd have liked a blip of the pretty countryside. You get my dining table/work station instead.
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