Red Barn Door

When you see a farm, which has stood since 1750, falling down like this it is quite depressing. Until not that long ago the farm house was lived in and the buildings reasonably well maintained but now it is in a sad state, unloved and uncared for. Incredibly there are still animals at the farm, and until very recently there were folk living in the house. In its heyday it must have been quite an imposing place with an impressive collection of buildings around it as it is by far the biggest farm in the area.

Last day of Mike's holiday, so he managed to tear himself away from the bathroom and get out in his boat! Like a good wifey, I was there waiting for him when he came back to help haul the dinghy up the slip. I have special pink rigger gloves for the purpose! Dancing tonight - especially enjoyed "The Duke of Perth" Fast and furious and scope for lots of fun and confusion - we don't take it too seriously!

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