Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


This was obviously taken last night - but only a few hours before today. I took several shots of the Lunar Occultation of Mars late last night and forgot they were in the camera until I went to download some others today. I couldn't resist making the Mars close up my main blip, even though it's fuzzy. I'm amazed that I could get in that close. The first extra was focused on the moon and the arrow is pointing at the tiny dot that is Mars. I couldn't focus on both at the same time, so the second extra is focused on Mars when it was a little closer to the moon. Then within a few minutes it disappeared behind the moon. I wish I had been more prepared and set up my telescope... but I would have had to find it first. ;-)

After the pool this morning I got a few more things to go into my packages to be mailed.  I still didn't have a box, so I did a little "dumpster diving" behind the grocery store and found one the perfect size.  I wrapped and packaged everything when I got home, so my packages are ready to go in the morning.  My goal was to get them mailed this week, so I'm pleased with myself.

I am grateful that my friend got good news from her doctor today. :-)

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