Movies in Malaga
After a grueling journey from Gaza City to Rafah (1 hour), across the border (3 hours), from Rafah to Cairo (7 hours), an overnight in Cairo, a flight to Madrid (5 hours), and a train to Malaga (3 hours), we finally arrived at 9 in the evening. In all, the journey took around 38 hours.
Upon arrival, we discovered that the national film festival was on, so the place was overrun with Spanish tourists, which meant there was a great buzz about the place. They had put down red carpets on the main pedestrian streets and erected this huge director's board, where people could have their photo taken.
We went for a stroll around the city, which is so pretty, and had late-night tapas, sitting at an outdoor table and soaking up the atmosphere. I could visibly see my Palestinian friends relax, being outside of the sometimes tense environment of Gaza.
I'm very frustrated with the quality of the camera I'm using. Although it was so kind of my colleague to lend it to me, it just doesn't capture good quality photographs. What's more, the settings are all in Arabic, so I can't change anything!
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