Perking Up

Conor had his first set of immunisations today. He cried a cry I've never heard from him before, it was total distress. He calmed down after a feed in the waiting from then Catherine and I took him for a walk to the Colzium and Banton Loch. He was quite wakeful at first but eventually fell asleep. We had to go back to the health centre for my blood pressure check (all fine and I can finally come off the medication, yay!) then we went to Mum and Dad's for lunch. I took Orla to nursery, and by the time I got back he had woken up and was crying. I fed him again, but for the rest of the afternoon he was pretty much inconsolable unless someone was pacing the room with him. He started to feel a bit warm so I gave him some Calpol. After that, he had another wee sleep and when he woke up he was back to his normal self. We even went out tonight for a few hours to my cousin's 30th birthday party and he was good as gold for Gran and Papa.

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