This is the day

By wrencottage

Making a List

As I have spent the last few weeks making hundreds of Christmas cards for other people, you could be forgiven for thinking I was up to date with my own. But you’d be wrong! Mine are always the last to be made, and it usually takes me ages to come up with a new design that is completely different from all the rest that I’ve designed for everyone else. 

The design finally came together last night, and I printed off the first few this morning for our overseas friends. We walked down to the Broadway to post them in the post box outside the Post Office. A bit pointless, really, because the Royal Mail workers are on strike today. Never mind, I enclosed an explanatory note with my cards about the UK postal strike to explain the delay and, who knows, maybe they will eventually arrive.

In Woodford we have a celebration tree on a patch of grass at the Broadway, erected by the Woodford Green Amenity Group in 2020. It is decorated for a variety of occasions throughout the year, and it is now wearing its Christmas outfit. I thought this sign on the picket fence surrounding the tree was quite apposite for me – it’s list making time! (I added the 15 on my Mac, by the way, the bell is usually blank.)

A couple more shots of the tree in extras.

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