Frosty morning!
It doesn't look as hard a frost as it was! Though by 2 pm my car was clearing so I popped up to Waitrose & I took a chance & put it into the garage , it was just about ok getting out of the car but I fear getting in tomorrow won't be fun. I need to try as it's just as difficult to scrap the Windows .
My usual hairdressing appointment tomorrow & time will be of an essence.
I've been busy busy today , household chores & hopes to finish putting up the few decorations, the lights I know I can fix but numb finger tips & a cut on the thumb has made using a screw driver impossible!! Grr.
Who would have thought a new waste bin would cause such delight? Well it did me yesterday, also this means that 1) I can put the food waste into my own bin & not my neighbours or 2) into the land fill. So it's good all round.
Have a warm evening everyone
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