Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Alternative Friday

Up as usual,started the day usual - Caleb arrived, watched tv, played with toys and then off to school.

Cold waiting in the playground, Caleb wanted to play with his friends on the Astro turf, onthe understanding that when the door opens and I call him he gets ready for school. When called for class, Caleb said his throat/mouth was funny, offered a drop of water and he begrudgingly went into class.

I had nearly reached my road, when the phone rang, requesting I come and collect him as he had been sick.

Back home, managed to get a flexi day for today and Caleb spent most of the day with us - daddy came home early to take over. No complaints of feeling or be sick further. He’s ok in himself

Managed to get some wrapping completed this afternoon - such a relief.

Very chilly - it’s recorded as -6 tonight.


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