Place: St Pete Beach, FL 62/78
Main activity: Sat - errands
Notes: Slept a little later after the big job night and being up till nearly midnight. Busybody around and irritated at the landscapers/had to move my car again (becoming ridiculous) ... I headed out just before 10a. Stopped at storage, dropped donations at Out of the Closet and looked around - was not impressed. Tried 34th Walmart for hydrogen peroxide - nothing. Taking my time everywhere. Up to Total Wine for NA champagne and beer. Stopped at Target then for peroxide - also shelves empty. Was surprised to see this Tupperware in the store: great colors but don't use much of any plastic anymore. Finally made my way back to endure the rest of the day, parked on the street till evening. Took a bit of a nap until loud dishes and silverware clanking woke me ... Boat parade, we were set to go park on PAG Way until yest when Bette suddenly got a better offer. I got stuck w/ Raleigh and it was just assumed I'd watch him. I had planned to walk down to the little bridge but was never even asked about the dog. Another level of survival here and am not enjoying most days.

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