Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

In Praise of Red Wine

After a lovely morning (photo of tree in bud , some swimming (definitely no photo), a lovely afternoon with Son 2, the jazzman (forgot to take photo) I jaunted off to the City (photos of train interior) to take some (wet weather, lots of reflections ) street scenes for today's blip.

Met up with friends for a lovely meal at Barolo (photo of 5 'polis' in yellow jackets who appeared to be awaiting my arrival) and was later kindly collected by the butler and Son 2 .

Having consumed an unusual-for me-quantity of red wine, it made good sense to me to sit in the back seat, roll down the window and stick the camera out in a tipsy lady kinda way.

And here is the result! The world through wine tinted glasses.

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