Reindeer hunt & an afternoon with Joe

This morning I went on a 'reindeer hunt'. It wasn't very exciting. I thought I was going hunting for real live reindeer and I thought I'd be able to chase them. No such luck. The reindeers were silly little cardboard cut outs that had been tied to railings in the Bruntsfield area of Edinburgh. I had to find ten but I only managed to find nine because 'Rudolf' wasn't where our info said he should be. Boohoooo!!

This afternoon was much better. Ann went to work for a few hours and Joe came to take me out. Yay! He took me through the Hermitage and I had fun, fun, fun. Joe popped me back into the flat once I'd had my walk and Ann met him on her way home from work so she knew I'd been out for a long time and she was really happy that she didn't have to go out again in the cold to walk me. Joe reported that I had been a very good girl. He thinks I've got a really lovely temperament, he said I hadn't done any silly puppy jumping up and even when other dogs had growled/snarled at me, I hadn't reacted and had been a very grown-up mature little collie pup. Ann felt like such a proud collie pup owner when she heard that.

Ann also asked Joe if he would be able to look after me when she goes away for a couple of nights next year. Ann and her friends usually go away for a weekend in the winter and the last three times they've stayed in 'Airbnbs', so I've been allowed to go with them. Next year they're going to Blairgowrie and staying in a hotel, that doesn't allow doggies, so Ann thought I might be happy if Joe looked after me. I will definitely be happy if Joe looks after me because I LOVE Joe. Joe says he thinks that should be OK, but he's just going to double check with his girlfriend, Kirsty. I hope Kirsty says 'YES' because I also LOVE Kirsty..................

….............Sooooooo after an unexciting reindeer hunt..................... today turned out not too bad after all. In fact my walk this afternoon, with Joe, has tired me out so much that I haven't even touched my dinner yet!!!

Happy Sunday evening Blippers. xxx

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