Fox Face

H's new glasses were ready so we went to pick them up, and have 'brunch' at the Orator, which was a little lacking service wise.

We got the glasses, bought 'stuff' then came home.

A fairly quiet afternoon apart from the moment H said 'there is a fox in the garden'. There it was, all red and foxy with a bushy tail, walking around the bottom of the garden. In the 11 years we have lived here I have never seen a fox in the garden. Clearly there has been one (we lost all the chickens to a fox a few years ago). I suspect it must be very hungry and our chicken run will be fairly easy for it to get into (they are safe at night unless it has a torch)... I'll put Bertie on patrol tomorrow, he'll see them off.

Speaking of dogs, here is Nell on our morning walk, this is called ' Squirrel gazing', she gets totally mesmerized by them. 

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