I was up, dressed and waiting for 8.30 this morning, so that I could ring our Doctors’ surgery - as I’m sure most of you know you need to be “on the ball” in order to get through.  I sat with my phone in my hand, counting down from 8.25 and when it got to 8.29, I counted to 60 slowly and then pressed the “Call” button - and got through without hearing the engaged tone - which was a surprise!

I was Number 6 in the queue so the lovely lady told me, so didn’t have to wait for too long and THEN, surprise, surprise, when I told the receptionist the issues with my knee, and said I would like to see a doctor, she gave me a choice of three appointments.  To say I was gobsmacked is an understatement, but I was very grateful.  Of course, I had to wear a mask, which I haven’t done for sometime, but fortunately, my glasses didn’t steam up!  I took this shot of the Christmas tree in the corner of the surgery and thought it looked rather good. 

I didn’t know the young doctor I was due to see;  when I went into his room, he told me he was a trainee doctor and when I told him about the various issues with my knee, he said he was pleased to see I was using a walking stick if that helped with walking and eased the pain.  He also said he couldn’t understand why people didn’t like to use one - and I agreed with  him - after all, I said I couldn’t see very well and therefore wore glasses, so what was the difference?  

He did a thorough examination both before I got on the couch and after - but it was rather difficult, because he couldn’t work out how to raise the back of the couch, so I was lying completely flat.  He was quite interested in my left knee because he said he had never seen a patient who had had cartilages AND kneecap removed without the kneecap being replaced;  as I told him, “There’s a first time for everything”!  

I do have a Baker’s Cyst at the back of my knee, which is a build-up of fluid, so I need to ice that twice a day and only take ibuprofen if necessary, as he didn’t recommend it for long-term use.  He didn’t think, because of the various issues - and having had three operations on my knee, that physiotherapy would help that much, so will be referring me directly to a surgeon, so now I just have to wait.

He did ask if these knee issues had impacted my life and I said they had, because I used to love walking, but could no longer walk that far now and I also found it difficult going shopping because I couldn’t carry very much because of the pain.  However, I told him that I was very active normally and this wouldn’t stop me, but would just slow me down which made him smile.   

I decided not to go to the Community Fridge today, but I’m sure I will be back next week, once I’m sure I won’t trip anyone up with my walking stick!

So now I have to play the waiting game - but don’t expect to hear before Christmas;  however, I’m sure that Mr. HCB will help all he can - and in the meantime, I will keep smiling! :-)  

“Go out into the world
     with your passion and love 
          for what you do, 
               and just never give up.” 
Dianne Reeves

P.S.  Sorry if this was a boring read, but wanted to document it for my own benefit.  :-) 

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