Lifelong friends...

...well, lifelong for Nate. These two have had a tight bond since day dot. James was the first one to discover Nate's secret place to rub (soles of his feet) to turn him from a screaming baby to a happy one in an instant. Nate's always had a lot of love for James. These past few days with him and Rich visiting have been very special. 
This morning we had time with Stephen working on 24-7 docs, updating stuff and creating new simpler ones. Then home to a message from James asking to use our washing machine as the one in their rental isn't working. The bonus was that I had coffee and a catch up with them both whilst collecting their stuff. 
This evening he popped round early pre Caña Club as Rich had a work meeting online. It felt like they lived here again for a moment...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The treat of extra unexpected time with James and Rich.
2) Deep sharing of life with the 2 of them. You know those people where you really get to the big deep stuff??
3) Danny being the hot drink king - coffee first thing in the morning...tea in the afternoon. 

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