Tuesday stuff

My car had not been moved since last week so was well frozen and it's a good job I started to clear the ice and snow off it in good time as it took me ages. I struggle with the roof as I'm not so tall but a long brush got most of it off.
Rang Mum as was going to pop round to hers but she wasn't feeling well so we agreed it was better on another day. I'll ring her again tomorrow.
Went to drop something off for Terry at his shop then off to the hairdresser for a cut and blow-dry.
Paths still treacherous in side streets and even on some main streets.
Tesco for prescription, Asda for a new wok then home for lunch.
Put the tree up after lunch.
Started a new book called Spring at Blueberry Bay by Holly Martin and it's a belter - hate to put it down. It won't last long! I must order more of this author's books. I had 2 books delivered today and got one for the kindle yesterday - I cannot seem to stop buying books.
Bitter cold later this afternoon and worse this evening. To hell with the cost of the bills - need to keep warm.

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