Sewing day no 3

Back to Sturton, well wrapped up!!! Only 6 of us present, but no shortage of chat. For these last few sessions I’ve made sock rabbits so didn’t need to take my sewing machine. 

We booked a Christmas lunch at the cafe across the road for 1.30. It was delicious. I had the traditional turkey fare which was sensible size portions. I passed on it last year as they were enormous and I hate to leave food to go to waste. We all had dessert, so it’s not surprising that I haven’t needed anything more except fluids since.

I’ve worked on the Christmas cards and letters this evening, slow progress, but I should get the first batch in the post tomorrow. It is a strike day but I think that the counter staff will be working, they were last Friday. The Post Office is in the Coop and there isn’t a box to put the post in, we have to hand them over to the staff. (A bit odd) 

This is the only picture taken today, a just in case one! There were many more interesting opportunities, but I was otherwise occupied!! 

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