The usually camera shy Phoebe ..
Rescue cat ... Mr W and I first pet together .. I think she must be about 13ish ... This is the cat who TERRORISED the close where we had our first home .. She targeted the elderly and small children . It was not unusual for her to launch from her tree at the top of the shared access and land on someone's back or even face ... She loathed all of Zoes friends and most of them were petrified of her.She bit their feet all the time and went for the eyes too if she could.
When we had Lucy she started to mellow and she would lie in bed with Lucy and never once drew blood ... I think she knew Lucy would probably bite her twice as hard anyway .. Kindred spirits you see ..
Today I am really chirpy as Leicester tigers (rugby union) have just seen off Harlequins .. It was a fantastic match and at the beginning I truly believed we would get a spanking ... But praying to the god of sugar and E-numbers helps ;)
Dr Who (which I LOVED last week with Mr Sweet) tonight and The Voice ... Mr W is cooking some fancy fish cakes .. Over and out x
Here is Lucy and her cat,Phoebe taps Lucy when she wants a loving x
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