Both me and Si were randomly awake at 5am. I eventually persuaded him to make tea at 6am then I fell back to sleep and woke to cold tea at 7.

I met beautiful, blooming Miss Buttercup in Bicester. Lots of bump, boobs and baby talk. It's nice that we are so close to each others due dates and both with our first, we have the same daft questions as each other :)

We managed to get lots of shopping done between coffee and lunch stops. Dare I say it, I even managed to get some more Christmas presents....... Don't throw rotten fruit at thinking is that I won't want to be racing round in December so I've kind of started and almost finished. Also, I'm sure all our pennies will be spent by then!

Came home to our beautiful new doors being fitted, they are immense. I will need shares in glass cleaner - the boys are used to tapping the doors to go in and out.....not on these doors though!

I've just put away all the purchases, including this CK cowboy money box from Susi and a cuddly puppy for BabyG.....the dogs are very confused that this cuddly you is NOT theirs!

Popping to a friends shortly.

Casper is going for a cut, wash and blow dry tomorrow - hmmmmmm I wonder what the blip will be (Stanley doesn't get one as he cries like a girl being groomed!)

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