Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Looking a lot like Christmas. I hope!

Managed to make some time to look forward to some festivities and today get the tree up and decorated. Trying to convince myself it is happening.

Have been absent from here for many weeks - Since our holiday, we've been fighting the health and social care system for mum and increasingly for dad. Carers not having the funding allocation needed to provide necessary care in a situation where conditions are getting worse and worse on a daily basis. Days of calls to GPs, district nurses, social workers, ambulances, hours and hours in A&E with patients double stacked in cubicles and triple stacked in corridors and then a discharge because there are no other options. So, back into the same situation. I won't provide details, but, they are shocking.

In recent days -  Ambulances called and cancelled, re-called and re-cancelled finally, after 36 hours, resulting in a turn out as a Cat 2 call and ultimately a late night admission. As I was about to follow the ambulance, I discovered a puncture on my car. Sorted that and then my car broke down! Got it into limp home mode, so I limped home without getting into A&E  on that occasion. I must have been really bad in a previous existence. 

The NHS and Social Services are constantly trying to play off against each other passing responsibility from one to the other. It is horrendous. Everything is such hard work. And stressful. And expensive in terms of time and fuel. We're just about getting onto an even keel after four weeks of hell.

All I can say, is , do whatever you can to stay safe and well. 

Try not get into a position where you need help. But, if you do need it, do support and respect those providing care. The problems are not made by those at the coal-face. They are often calling at food banks on their way home so they can feed their kids. They have their own stresses. Desperate doesn't cover it.

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