
By ishaan03

Happy days!

This was the last zoom meeting with my project manager today  - she was at the bank while I was at my home. My project has officially ended today, so we will not be having these stand-ups, but she has promised me that we will always remain in touch. I have learned so much from her in these months. She has taught me that you can be friends with your work colleagues, and it's lovely to do that. Criticism can be questioned and should be answered as likewise showing and expressing emotions.

I will miss C a lot and this project, and she says, "Happy days" on our call every time. This is also my last working day before Christmas.

I got a sweet and (very) quick reply from my kind supervisor, who I had requested for a PhD reference. He sweetly asked to give him some lines for inspiration - how kind is that, as he is a man of such stature. I hope to drop by his office sometime soon as I had planned to meet him in October, and now it's December.

The sadness of the falling out last year with a dear lecturer and my dissertation supervisor keeps looming. I distinctly recall it was the 19th of December when I got an email that I could not stop thinking about. I cannot do anything about it anymore, and that's been the most challenging truth to accept. I will still try and convince myself to wish him Christmas/ New Year (whenever and if I get the courage).

I type considerably faster on computer!

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