The bubble

By Phini

Step into my office

Today husband had business in Bournemouth so I packed a picnic and after his viewing he worked from the beach at sandbanks.

It was so beautiful we could have been in the south of France. A very lovely couple of hours.

I hope the couple next to us playing sandcastles with their bambino managed to find his wedding ring that flew off into the sand. I told them about the app for a metal detector - I have no idea how that would work but worth a try. One of the beach attendants was on a half day so offered to go home to fetch his detector. We left them taking the sand. Fingers crossed it appears.

We had fish and chips late afternoon at lymington and watched the world go by.

On the way home we called in at the mayfly and met Martin and Claire for a quick pear cider.

I will sleep well tonight.

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