Changing Light

The clouds have been unusual and constantly changing today. It was very clear and very frosty this morning. I woke up at 1:30  and couldn't go back to sleep. Waking up at that time isn't unusual, but lying awake, brain hyperactive is. The fact that my Kindle was stuck and I couldn't remember how to restart it didn't help.

 I finally gave up, went into the kitchen and made myself some warm milk with honey in it. Tryptophan better than pot for me since pot tends to give me psychotic dreams.  I couldn't see anything through the darkened windows with the kitchen light behind me, but I'm sure it was a frosty world out there.  It was far too cold to stay up, so I went back to bed, drank my milk and finally fell asleep at about 6 and didn't wake up until the heat had gone on the house was warming up. 

It was still only 28F (-2C) outside when I finally got up. The sun was just coming up over the mountain making the frost sparkle invitingly. The air was still and cold and I was glad we remembered to cover the lemon tree. The coffee gave me enough of a kick to get me dressed and out the door to Pilates. The teacher never took off her boots, heavy sweater and down vest and most of us clung to our jackets and sweaters for most of the class.

I stopped off at a shop called Urban Garden on the way home, wandered around for almost an hour looking for some small gifts for my coffee group friends.  Realizing that in my half brain-dead state I was accomplishing nothing, I left and came home without buying anything, but I did have an idea one the way home, found what I wanted on line and will be able to get it before Christmas. So much for shopping local....

I  kept my wits about me long enough to fix my Kindle, and I took the top picture with its interestingly striated sky from the bedroom porch. So I did accomplish something. The top picture was taken from the same porch at about the same time a couple of days ago as the rain was moving in.

It was the light in this house that was its ultimate selling point, and it has never disappointed no matter what the weather is.

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