
By beckie

red leaves

Jut was up early and off to Brands Hatch to watch the racing.
Ty had stayed at his dads last night.
I had a nice little lay in, then took myself to Ipswich for a spot of retail therapy... was a bit rubbish, couldn't find anything worth spending my pennies on lol! Typical!!

Popped in to see mum and then do a bit of food shopping for tomorrows pack up...
(Tyler was given 3 tickets to Legoland for Christmas from my Mum and Dad... And tomorrow is the big day!
I'm not sure who is looking forward to it most! lol! Hope rain stays away for us...!! lol!)

Then home to wait for Tyler to come home, sat in the garden for a while soaking up a few more rays. Noticed these leaves peeping over next doors fence.

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