
By Nettenet


I finished work yesterday. Quite late for our school as Lucy finishes on Friday and normally I have a whole week before her.  Mr C took the day off to look after Oscar. I had a few messages throughout the morning but generally he coped until Sim and Nat arrived to collect him so he was gone by the time I got home.

Back to today.  I was up and out by 8.30 to take Tinks to the vets to have her leg amputated.  She’s not been using it very much the last month or so and both the vet and us think it’s the best option.  I had a call around 11.30 to say they had taken some bloods for liver function etc and they were ok. However, the little bit of blood left had not clotted and they would like to send a sample off to be checked before the operation in case it means there will be further complications and due to the recent history of the haemorrhaging they think it’s best to get it checked.  So I will pick her back up later with still 4 legs intact.

We are having our Christmas Day this Saturday as both boys will be away. So I’m busy cleaning in preparation and Mr C is off tomorrow and will start the food prep.

It was -5 when I left this morning and dropped to -6.5 on my way to the vets and we still have lots of snow where we are.  Mr C slipped over this morning on his walk with Ruby.  He said he was careful all the way round and slipped right outside the house.

Anyway back to my cleaning duties. ;-D

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