Rich and James
One last coffee with these guys before they left at lunchtime. I keep saying it, but it really has been special.
James helped me out with a 1970s SLR Minolta I've been given...I had zero clue what to do with it, but he's helped a lot.
Marco and I had a little photo shoot together today. He's selling wax perfumes in beautiful handcrafted wooden 'bottles'. So we did some images together for the website.
Cake for 30 made - it's my turn again for Asha's school. Each week they're selling cake at school to raised funds for a trip in March. Between 4 of us we have to make enough for 120 kids. Baking is not my favourite thing to do, but I'm glad to say it's done and cooling.
Today I'm grateful for;
1) Being warm in bed listening to the wind howling and the rain pouring first thing this morning.
2) James and Rich.
3) A difficult people task done, phew.
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