Daunti's world

By daunti

For the love of trees …

Me, one who loves to tell my story through photos thought it would be fun to do a photo journal for the next ten days leading up to Christmas of some of my favorite things and a stories behind each thing or memory durning the Christmas season.

So on day 1 and for the love of trees I have decide to do Christmas trees today. I’ve always loved Christmas tree farms whether they be on a corner or at a real farm. There is just such a special feeling I get when being in such a place. We have an artificial tree in our house but growing up I’ve always had a real tree. We have purchased them on a corner turned into a tree farm and we have also went to a farm and cut them down. I have such sweet memories of going over my dads house when I got the call that the tree was up waiting for me to decorate it. Another sweet memory is hearing how my dad met my mom when he worked at a place that sold Christmas trees. Maybe that’s why I have such a special feeling around tree selling places. So today when I took this photo I got to thinking about the purpose of these trees and other trees being purchased for Christmas. My hope is that they all find wonderful homes that will love them for the joy they bring. Pictures taken around them capturing memories, Santa placing presents under them, beautiful decorations and lights placed on them. Wow, what a wonderful purpose Christmas trees have. We all have a purpose, trees too. Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree …

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