Tanzy. It should be Gottya

What a palaver today, Heating still off so went online to book an engineer, first appointment next Thursday, so I rang and the animated voice said there was a 45minute wait so I though well I need an earlier appointment so hang on. 1 hour and 40 minutes later, after listening to the most dreadful music (I think they choose bad music to make you get fed up and hang up_) I finally spoke to a real person, explained that it was mended Tuesday and gone off again Wednesday. Also about Paula having a bad heart and needed the warmth, so the lovely girl got me an emergency appointment tomorrow Friday between 8am and 6pm. 

By then it was nearly 11 o'clock so late setting off with the dog, and we did a bigish Christmas shop at Morrisons and Lidl got home about 2, late lunch, late dinner, late watching TV, and now I am off to my bed to get warm I hope, I am tired. 2 busy cold days. At least the sun shone today but it was still cold.

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