RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

White Hibiscus

I am seduced by the beauty of these white flowers. Every morning as I sit on our patio drinking coffee, I vow to refrain from taking their photo today. That resolve last until the sun peaks above the building across the way, bathing them in a golden light that sends me scrambling for my camera to record them yet again. Fortunately, something usually comes along during the day that takes their place as my favorite image by the time I review and post the next morning (or in this case, a couple of days later as this original entry was inexplicably lost to the internet gods), but some days their siren song is too strong and I succumb. This was one such day, the delicate coloring in the lower petals and the sensuous shapes throughout the frame kept it at the forefront, even after a couple day's reflection.

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